An official army family and MWR Site
April 1st
Story Time Tuesdays

Come check out some awesome stories and activities at Barr Memorial Library!

10 am
April 1st
$2 Tuesday

$2 per game, per person, ALL DAY at Houston Bowling Center!

11 am - 8 pm
April 1st
April 2nd
Monthly PT Runs at Natcher Fitness Center

Two mile run on marked course available during morning PT hours

6 am - 7 am
April 2nd
Installation Newcomer Orientation

We can't wait to welcome you into our community! 

8:30 am - 12 pm
April 2nd
Vertical Vibes Climbing Club

Join our lunchtime climbing session

11 am - 1 pm
April 2nd
April 3rd
Thursday Throwdown

Come out every Thursday and get one lane (up to six people) for 2 hours, free shoe rental, a one topping pizza, and a pitcher of soda!

11 am - 6 pm
April 3rd
Trivia Night

Join us for Trivia Night at Samuel Adams Brewhouse. 

6:30 pm - 8 pm
April 3rd
April 4th
Karaoke Night at Fiddlers' Green

Unleash your inner rockstar at Karaoke Night!

7 pm - 11 pm
April 4th
Cosmic Bowling

Every Friday and Saturday night!

8 pm - 10 pm
April 4th
Dancing Through The Decades
8 pm - 11:55 pm
April 4th
April 5th
Spring Storytime

A great season for a story

11 am
April 5th
Myth & Legends Cardboard Boat Regatta - Canceled

Where creativity meets competition!

5 pm - 8 pm
April 5th
Cosmic Bowling

Every Friday and Saturday night!

8 pm - 10 pm
April 5th
April 6th
There are no events scheduled on April 6th.
April 7th
There are no events scheduled on April 7th.